
Prescribed burning, also known as prescribed fire or controlled burning, is defined as fire that is applied in a skillful manner in a defined place, under appropriate weather conditions, to achieve specific results.
After many decades of fire exclusion, the return of fire to Virginia's fire-adapted landscapes:
- reduces hazardous fuels and the chances of extreme wildfires;
-minimizes the spread of pest insects and disease;
-provides a variety of habitat types and forage for game;
-improves habitat for threatened and endangered species;
-recycles nutrients back to the soil;
- and promotes the growth of trees, wildflowers and other plants.
Publication - Beyond the Bonfire: A Primer on Prescribed Fire for Virginia's Private Landowners
Fire Ecology
Central Appalachians Fire Learning Network
Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists
Fire Effects Information System (FEIS)
Fire Learning Network's Conservation Gateway
Fire Manager's Guide to Blue Ridge EcoZones
Fire Research and Management Exchange System (FRAMES)

NWCG Prescribed Fire Plan Template, PMS 494-1
Fire Weather
National Weather Service Fire Weather Page & Outlook Maps
NWS Blacksburg Fire Weather Briefing Page
NWS Charleston Fire Weather Page
NWS Morristown Fire Weather Page
NWS Sterling (Baltimore/Washington) Fire Weather Page

Smoke Management
Virginia Smoke Guidelines (1998)
NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire, PMS 420-3 (2020)
NWCG Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide, PMS 477
NWCG Smoke and Roadway Safety Pocket Card, PMS 477-1
Smoke Management Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region (2020)
Smoke Modeling